Tuesday, 31 January 2012

A Good Egg.

This photo was actually taken last week. I'd forgotten all about it! Who could forget something like that... Anyway, by some magic I've been getting rather good at making eggs of late. I have no idea how or why. But, I can assure you, they've been good. This was my attempt at a deconstructed soft boiled egg and soldiers. (Fancy.)

Cheap and cheerful!

On this rather cold winters night, I contemplated making up a good old plate of 'bangers & mash', but actually I fancied something a bit lighter, and fresher. I wasn't too interested (oddly) in using lots of pots and pans. This really was to be a quick and easy dinner. - I present to you: Lemon & coriander couscous, with stir fried Mediterranean vegetables, and a scattering of tuna flakes. Really was so easy to do, very tasty, and light! It is slightly cheating if the couscous comes from a packet of course... Never the less, it was good. I'm sure I'll be doing it again, but perhaps without as many shortcuts!

Friday, 27 January 2012

Simple yet yummy breakfast bagel.

I was watching a cooking show where they were making Eggs Benedict. I love this dish, but this morning I didn't fancy the complete heavyness/richness of the hollandaise. (Not to mention the fuss of preparing it too!) I still wanted something satisfying though. I give you, shallow poached egg, on honey roasted ham, topped on a toasted bagel. Eggy, bready perfection. All enjoyed with a cup of tea. Some of my favourite ingredients, all in one. :)

The Pursuit of Pizza Perfection!

My Dad and I have always had a thing about making the 'perfect' pizza. We constantly challenge and edit our recipes in order to achieve that true pizza quality. We have excelled at times with our pizza crusts. We have also created truly, tasty, toppings. However, we still somehow have not managed to get each of the elements right together, at the right time. Until...possibly, now? We are still uncertain, still unsure, but we feel it is the closest thing yet, to our very own homemade pizza perfection! (This was a combination of my Dad's pizza dough, our friends homemade pizza sauce topping, and a simple scatter of mozzarella cheese with German Salami, basil and oregano. Of course...)

Monday, 16 January 2012

The King of Breads!

As a reward/promise to myself for having completed my Part 2 Essay assignment for University, I decided that I should be allowed to bake some bread. This bread however doesn't follow a traditional bread making recipe. There is no yeast..!? I have taken the recipe from Lorraine Pascale's- Home Cooking Made Easy. It's a great recipe, called Twenty-First Century Ham, Cheese and Chive bread. It is easy to make, and fun to do! The smell of cheese and bread whilst it was in the oven was heavenly. It is always a treat for anyone to enjoy freshly baked bread, but in this instance it was a particular treat indeed! I hope this inspires you to either bake some bread, eat some bread or reward yourself after having ticked off one of those tasks that you know 'you really should just do'. :)

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Best Thing of the Day!

Today- 10/01/2011, I had the dentist. Now in early preparation for this appointment I intended to make some delicious lemon cupcakes, as a sort of reward for after. Another reason why I wanted to make these delightful treats was so that I could bring some to my housemates as a welcome home gift. Even though these are possibly the best things I've made all day and probably in quite awhile, I have also some how managed to squeeze in making a homemade chicken and mushroom pie, chicken stock (too much!), and a rather delicious omelette for breakfast. As you can imagine, it's been a tough old day. :) The lemon cupcakes have gone down rather well with my family, and I even gave one as a treat to our lodger! Of course, they go splendidly with a cup of tea.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Dream come true!!

Two days later: As mentioned in the 'debut post' it was expressed that I thought pancakes would be a nice breakfast to enjoy for the morning of 03/01/2012. To my amazement, I awoke that morning, went downstairs, made a pot of tea (obviously) and awaited for the usual discussion with my Mum about what to have for breakfast. My Mum stood in front of our kitchen cupboard and without even suggesting anything else prior, turned to me and said "I'm thinking pancakes... what do you think?". A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. My Mum has some how proved to me over the years that she is in some forms a mind reader. (Only, oddly, when it comes to food/meals.) She is and her abilities are pure genius. As you can imagine I was both ecstatic and over joyed. I am also entirely thankful that I even have the option of waking up in the morning and discussing options for breakfast. What a pleasure. (Also, in case you were wondering, we use Aunt Jemima Buttermilk Pancake mix, and accompany it with Aunt Jemima Maple Syrup. They're delicious! We however have to get this mix either from the states or the Caribbean. It's only because for some reason we're hopeless at making traditional 'English' pancakes. Plus, Aunt Jemima's are the best! I had mine with banana too! YUMMY.)

Monday, 2 January 2012

Sending post. First Class. First Time.

First official post for 2012. First blog post, in fact, ever. Hooray!
Would like to begin the bloggie (new name for the blog) with a snippet/peak in to the already accumulating thoughts on what to have/make for breakfast tomorrow- (actually would be today now...) - 03/01/2012. Whilst on the topic of dates, have a good feeling that 2012 will be filled with lots of new food trying. Of which, I cannot wait for! - Anyhow, breakfast. Possibly feeling pancakes... not normally a fan of a sweet breakfast, but might make an odd exception! Stomach is already rumbling and it is 01.32AM. Strange. We'll see how it is. Have a feeling it may go completely opposite and end up with something entirely different. Either way, it's always going to be good. :)